Patrice Bergeron reveals the real reason he called it a career

Hunter Bowman
August 6, 2023  (7:56 PM)

Last week, hockey fans bid farewell to a true legend as Patrice Bergeron officially announced his retirement after an illustrious 19-season career with the Boston Bruins.

Hailing from Quebec, number 37 is regarded by many as one of the finest defensive players of his generation, earning him the honor of having his jersey retired by the Bruins organization in the upcoming season.
The emotions ran high last spring when the Bruins faced elimination by the Florida Panthers, and Bergeron's teammates gathered around to give him a heartfelt hug, seemingly aware that it could be his final game.
According to Kevin Dubé of the Journal de Québec, Bergeron actually made his decision to retire last January. One of the key factors leading to this momentous decision was the realization that, at 38, his body was telling him it was time to step away from professional hockey.
In Bergeron's own words,
"I've spoken with a lot of people over the past year, I've had several very good conversations with people who had different opinions. What always came back was: 'You will know when it's the right time to retire.' I've always been someone who listens to their intuition and heart and I felt it was time to move on. Sometimes, the body sends us messages."

The motivation to train and play was waning for the veteran forward, especially after the Bruins' early exit from the playoffs.
"My motivation was waning this summer and I felt like I was listening to the signs my body was sending me. I did not miss my workouts, and when it had been a while since I had set foot on an ice rink, I did not miss it either. I was waiting to see if the motivation would come back, but it never did."

Throughout his illustrious career, Bergeron exhibited remarkable resilience, often playing through numerous injuries. One unforgettable display of courage came during the 2013 finals against the Chicago Blackhawks.
Despite a punctured lung, fractured rib, torn costal cartilage, and shoulder separation, he mustered the strength to play in the sixth game of the final, which the Bruins lost. After the game, Bergeron was taken to the hospital, showcasing his unwavering determination.
Now, as he embarks on his well-deserved retirement, the former Bruins captain can savor a more normal life and relish the memories of his incredible journey on the ice. As a future Hall of Famer, Bergeron's legacy will continue to inspire generations of players and fans alike.
Source: Habsfanatics

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Patrice Bergeron
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Patrice Bergeron reveals the real reason he called it a career

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