Maple Leafs Rumours That Auston Matthews is Leaving Toronto

Dylan Robillard
May 21, 2023  (1:44 PM)

There has been a lot of noise the past few days surrounding Kyle Dubas, now that the Leafs decided to fire him. Kyle Dubas, it's looking elsewhere.

It seemed like Kyle Dubas wasn't going anywhere, but after a media conference last Monday, Brendan Shanahan had another plans. Kyle Dubas wanted a bigger pay-out, asking for six — seven million for five-years, as well wanting total power. He said, the Leafs were only offering four million.
Brendan Shanahan said when the team received Dubas' counter-offer, he knew it was time to move on. He might might regret letting Kyle Dubas walk though, as the Leafs core four may be on the way out.
The Leafs elite core was a main concern well thinking about moving people around. One of those concerns is Auston Matthews.
Auston Matthews, speaks very highly of Kyle Dubas. So, it begs the question with Kyle Dubas out, will Auston Matthews follow?
A big reason Matthews wanted to stay and extend his deal was due to Kyle Dubas, now with him out of the picture. Things don't look very good for Toronto.
The Toronto Maple Leafs are in a complete dumpster fire at the moment, after what seemed like a calm ending to a poor playoff performance. Now with big hits continuing to come it looks far from over for Leaf fans.
The chances of Matthews staying in Toronto have gone way down after Dubas was shown the door. Another huge piece in all of this is the fact Jason Spezza, who was the special assistant to the GM quit moments after he found out Dubas was canned. Spezza, is someone who Matthews is very close with and frankly this could all be the last straw for the superstar.
Matthews also shares the same agent as Dubas, just adding more salt in the wound. If Matthews leaves, it would be a complete disaster for the Maple Leafs. His no-movement clause kicks in July 1 so any move after needs to be approved by the Auston Matthews himself.
At the end of the season press conference, Matthews was saying all the right things. He'd like to stick around, cares about his teammates and sees a future in Toronto. Now, with this big shift in front office. Auston Matthews might rethink his words.
Things don't look great for the city of Toronto at the moment, it is just a matter of time before we see more things unfold.

NHL players in this story
Auston Matthews
21 MAI   |   171 ANSWERS
Maple Leafs Rumours That Auston Matthews is Leaving Toronto

Does Matthew's leave as a UFA, get treaded, or re-sign?

Re-signs5230.4 %
Traded6236.3 %
Leaves as a UFA5733.3 %
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